Conflict In Ministry

This week I wanted to tell you guys about something that isn't popular or fun to talk about! Conflict in ministry! :)

Conflict/disagreeing with people is something I deal with on a weekly basis as a missionary, so I wanted to be vulnerable and share about it a little bit.

Working in missions does not mean that everyone agrees and walks in super fun, easy relationships all the time! In this past week alone, I have had multiple hard conversations through disagreements or arguments. Sometimes it is so painful to have to walk through situations like this, especially in a ministry setting.

I used to have the mindset that was something like this: "Well, we're all missionaries. That means we shouldn't be upset with each other or disagree with decisions our leaders make or have different views on certain subjects."

Thankfully, The Lord has changed my heart and showed me how good and healthy it is to disagree and talk about it with the intent to keep right relationship!

If we all had the same thoughts and views and opinions on everything, we would just be like robots. God never intended for us to be robots! He is so cool in how individual and personal He relates to each of us. His design of us was so methodical and unique. He didn't take the easy way out and make us all carbon copies! He created us to be someone that no one else is!

The opportunity for depth of relationship after walking through conflict grows immensely. When I have disagreements with people in ministry, and we decide to walk it out lovingly and choose relationship over being right, the relationship gets deeper! It speaks value to someone when you say, "I don't agree with you, but I love you enough to find a way to be your friend anyway."

I am so thankful that I don't have to agree with everyone all the time in order to walk in right relationship and have a clean heart before Him! Thank you, Jesus!

If you have questions about what healthy conflict looks like or how to walk it out rightly, I'm sure there's someone better than me to ask, but I'd love to talk with you about it anyway! God has been showing me so much about this and I would LOVE to share that with you on a more personal level or hear how God speaks to you about this!

I'm so glad I serve Him. He is so kind and intentional. Thanks for supporting me along the way!


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