A New Season


This year has been such a season of learning new things with the Lord and stepping into new things He's been providing for me. At the beginning of this year, the Lord spoke to me about believing that He wants to bless me. I didn't know what that would look like, but I was trusting Him and asking Him to show me how He wants to bless me.

So far this year, God has provided:

-A new car

-My own room in a nice house with other girls from YWAM Kansas City

-Funds to do a Bible school and learn the story of the Bible in a way I never had before


Ahhh I'm so excited about this last one! God has been speaking to me over the past few months about having my own space to host people, have Bible studies, make meals for people, have a safe place to provide for friends, as well as myself. He has been continually providing random furniture, people to help me move, random money to help cover the finances, etc.

All that to say, I just signed a lease and I am moving into my very own BEAUTIFUL apartment on October 9th!! I have a lot I still need to buy and prepare for, but I am so grateful and honored with the way God has provided this opportunity for me!

God has been so clear that He has been the one leading this process, and I am so overwhelmed by the way that God has shown me how He wants to bless me and the way He takes care of me. I'm so excited to move and to continue seeing the way God uses this apartment not only to bless me, but to bless those around me!

Once I move in, I will post pictures of what it looks like and updates about what God is doing through this new home!

If you have more questions about more specifics of how this unfolded or how you can help or be a part of this process, please let me know and I'd love to share more!!

Thank you as always for your prayers and support. I could not do this without you!

Brecken Cromwell


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