First month of SBS!

 I just finished my fourth week as a student in The School of Biblical Studies! The way that God has been revealing Himself to me through His word this month has been absolutely amazing!

So far we have studied Philemon, Jonah, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers! With each book, I read through it five times within the week that we are studying it. Some of the bigger books have been really difficult or exhausting to read that many times in a week, but it's been so good to get the whole picture of these books in a way I never have before!

This week, as we're nearing the end of reading The Pentateuch (first five books of The Bible that are believed to be written by Moses during the Israelites' time in the wilderness), my heart is being so moved by the way God pursues His people throughout their unfaithfulness! I am realizing so much that my heart tends to be unfaithful to the Lord. God has been showing me so much how through all my faithfulness that I have consistently walked in, He has been faithful every day.

As I do my homework this week, my prayer for myself has been that I would learn from the things that God's people and the way that He revealed Himself to them. I don't want to be like the Israelites and forget the things God has done for me, but I am working on training my heart and mind to remember! I'm working and focusing on calling to mind the things that God has done and the things I know about who He is.

I'm so excited to see more and more about who God is as I study The Word for the rest of this year!


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