My Role in DTS

It's finally starting to feel like fall in East Texas!! I'm enjoying the weather while it lasts.

This week, I wanted to talk about our Discipleship Training School! Or "DTS". This is the first school I did with YWAM. It's the introductory school to missions through YWAM. This is a five month school: three months of lecture and two months of outreach.

This fall, for the first time, I have the incredible opportunity and honor to be working with the DTS! This means I do a number of things to help out with the school. Some of those things are...

-Leading worship on different mornings!
-Leading a small group every Tuesday night!
-Having three one-on-ones!! This means that I have three girls that I meet with once a week to listen to what God's speaking to them and help them process the things they're learning in their DTS. If they need something, don't understand something, struggle with something, etc. they come to me! I get to be on the front line of discipleship in this way. I'm so excited!
-PRAYING!!! I get to see these 37 students walk into relationship with God and missions in America. And I get to pray for them!!! Specifically, I'm praying for my one-on-ones intentionally everyday, but I also get to invest in the other students through friendship and prayers!

As I work with this DTS, here are some ways you could pray for me:

-Wisdom in discipling my girls!
-The strength to be intentional and selfless with my free time.

Thank you for praying and caring for me!

I'll continue posting once a week, so be on the lookout for my next blog!

"I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them." 1 Timothy 2:1


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