Back to Korea

I’m going back to Korea!

In January, I’ll be heading to South Korea for about a month. I’m so excited! I love this country and these people.

Last year, my team and I ran three separate camps to disciple the young people of Korea. This year, we are running one huge camp! We will combine all the camps we normally do separately and have one big, crazy week of discipleship.

THEN… We will be taking them to do outreach with The Winter Olympics! The place we’re staying is right outside of where The Olympics will be held this January, and we are looking forward to taking this as an opportunity!

With everyone gathered together for The Olympics, there is a HUGE mission field right before us! My team and I will be doing as much as we can to speak the truth about Jesus to the people gathering for The 2018 Winter Olympics.

If you would like to know more about how you can be specifically praying for my team, more about what we’ll be doing the whole time, or more about how you can help with this outreach financially, please let me know!

“Look at the nations and watch—and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” Habakkuk 1:5

P.S. This fall, I'm going to be posting once a week on my blog to keep everyone up to date with what's happening in my life! Each week I'll post about something I'm involved with in the ministry so I can give a bigger picture of what it means for me to "be a missionary". Keep a look out next week!


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