10 Months in Kansas City!
10 Months in KC!
Exciting things are happening here!!
Life in Kansas City
Hello!! Sorry I haven’t sent out an official update in so long! Life has been so crazy and a little overwhelming, but it’s so sweet and God has been so faithful to me!!
Here are some ways you can pray for me in this season:
- Pray that I would continue receiving vision from the Lord for this new team and movement in ministry!
- Pray that God would speak to other people to join my team so that we can really steward this youth movement well!
- Pray for my heart in the middle of transitioning jobs, roommates, etc. I really want to stay focused on Jesus and not be distracted by ministry, situations, friendships, community, etc. I want to be excited about who He is and not just about the opportunities He’s given me!
- Pray for grace and growth in me! I really want to be able to lead a team well and I REALLY want to grow in maturity in the Lord through this process! I don’t want to just do things that seem like good ideas or that I have done in the past, but I really want to hear from the Lord about His heart and I want to be obedient to His vision for youth and for my team!
Thank you so much for your love, support, and prayers in my life! I couldn’t do this without you guys and I am so thankful that I don’t have to!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Brecken Cromwell
If you are interested in joining my financial team or giving a one time tax-deductible gift, here is the link where you can sign up! Brecken Cromwell online giving link
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