South Korea!
Hi, everyone! I just got back from a month of
ministering and sharing the gospel in South Korea. It was incredible! To say I
was encouraged would be an understatement. Watching God speak to and encounter
the people of South Korea blessed me more than I could have imagined going into
this trip.

At one of the camps, there was a girl in my
small group named Victoria. Throughout the whole camp, she seemed engaged, but
I didn’t see much growth or even desire for growth! One night, we invited
people to come up to the front if they wanted to start taking their
relationship with The Lord seriously. Victoria came up and prayed with me, but
that wasn’t even what encouraged me the most.
For the rest of the camp, I saw Victoria
spending time with Jesus during her free time. I saw her giving grace to people
who didn’t deserve grace. I saw her walking out something God did in her heart,
not just going up to the front because of the emotions she was feeling! When we
took them into the city to do evangelism, Victoria couldn’t be stopped! She
talked to every single person that
passed us! We never moved more than a few hundred feet before she was stopping
to tell another person what Jesus had done in her life.
Victoria’s story is one of many that I saw on
this outreach. God is moving in the hearts of young people in South Korea and I
got to play a part in that! God is so good. I am so blessed. Life with Him is
so fun!
Here are a couple ways you can be praying for
me during this next season:
Finances!!! I need to raise my
monthly support, so you could pray for wisdom in who to ask about that.
Spring travels! My team and I
will be traveling around The US and meeting with our past students who have
come through our base. You could pray that we would have meaningful contact with
them and be able to encourage them in their walk with The Lord!
Deep relationships here! I am
working hard right now at settling down and being committed to where I live and
the community I’m a part of. Please pray with me that I would be intentional and
graceful in my pursuit of relationships here!
Thank you
so much for all you do to love and support me. I appreciate each of you more
than I could ever tell you! Thanks for getting me to where I am.
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