My New Home

I am officially moved in to my dorm and living in East Texas! God spoke to me about coming on staff with YWAM five years ago, and to see it coming to be is blessing me more than I had ever been expecting. I am so excited to be YWAM Tyler staff and to be living in full time missions!

My position at the base is working in the Hospitality Department, which is such a blessing. My department helps put on events that happen on the base, serves our council of leaders, hosts meetings, and basically helps the base run beautifully and makes sure people are being blessed when they come here!

There is a sign in my office that sums up Hospitality pretty well. It reads, "YWAM affirms the ministry of hospitality as an expression of God's character and the value of people. We believe it is important to open our hearts, homes and campuses to serve and honor one another, our guests, and the poor and needy, not as acts of protocol, but as expressions of generosity."

I am truly honored to be apart of this department, this ministry, and the Kingdom of God! I'm so excited to have some time to just serve people and focus on my relationship with Jesus. He has blessed me in so many ways and I am continually amazed that someone as insignificant as me would be called by The Lord to work for His kingdom! We serve such an amazing God.

Thanks to everyone for the prayers and support during this transitioning season of my life, I am so grateful to each of you and want you to know that I don't take you or your prayers for granted!

If you are wanting to know how to pray for me more specifically, here are some things you can pray for:
-Living away from my family is hard, this is a permanent move away from them and the change is hard on everyone! Please pray for my heart and that my siblings would understand why I moved away.
-I'm so busy right now, this season has a lot for my department to take care of and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. Please pray that I would rely completely on God's strength to carry me through this time, and that I would act and serve with complete grace in all my actions.
-This is the first time in my life that I'm not working towards a new checkpoint, I'm on staff and God hasn't spoken much else about the future! Please pray that I would take this time to focus on my relationship with Him and stay in the moment instead of trying to figure out my future on my own.

Thank you all for the prayers! I'm so excited to be here and be doing this crazy life with God, it is blowing my mind to be so blessed and surrounded by such wonderful community who strives to know Jesus more everyday, and to finally call myself a part of this community.


  1. WOW! I love how mature you are. Thanks for putting His calling above your comfort.


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