DTS (Discipleship Training School)

Hello, friends! Big thanks to everyone who is reading my blog. For those of you who may not know, I started a DTS (Discipleship Training School) on September 28th, at a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) base in Lindale, Texas. Right now I am in the lecture phase of my school, where we have three months of learning about The Bible, hearing God's voice, using our spiritual gifts, living out a healthy life with Christ, and other incredible things.

In DTS, after the lecture phase is an outreach phase. My school will be going on a two week outreach in the US to Alabama and Louisiana. YWAM Tyler (the base my school is at) has a distinct call from The Lord to reach the people of America, so we will be spending two weeks loving on people in our country before we go to a foreign location.

My school has 24 students, and we have split into two foreign outreach teams. I will be going with a team to the Philippines for a month. The rest of our school will be going to Chile, and then Argentina. I'm so excited to spend a month loving on the people in the Philippines and hearing more from God about His heart for them. If you want more information about my outreach, I have posted a link at the bottom with our outreach newsletter and I would love if you checked it out! I am going with an incredible team, and I'm so excited about what God's going to do in this outreach.

In other news, I am currently living in my very favorite place in the world. When I was 13, after my first trip with YWAM, I remember saying to someone, "If I could be anywhere in the world right now, it would be Lindale." I don't think that sentence has gotten any less true. Quite honestly, it might be even truer now! God is moving in such incredible ways in this area of Southeast Texas. There are so many ministries and incredible churches here. I can't express how blessed I am to call this home.

The church I am attending is called Community Christian Fellowship, and I have been given the amazing opportunity to teach a Sunday School class for third and fourth grade girls every week. I love it! These girls are so precious and hungry for The Lord. I already feel like such a part of this community. God is so incredible to have blessed me in this way.

Another exciting thing that's come up in my life is a school at the YWAM base that teaches English to foreign young adults, called "CCC". I have become so close with a few students from Korea and China, and God has allowed me to help them with English while learning about their culture and language. I have always loved Asian people, and God continues to grow that love inside of me. Recently, it has been put on my heart to pray about possibly working with this school in the future, or something else with people who know English as a second language. The older I get, the more excited I get about how many possibilities there are for my future and what God has planned for me that I haven't seen yet. His plans are so great, it continues to blow my mind when He gives me glimpses of my future and what He has for me. He is so good. I can't comprehend His goodness.

Before I end this blog, I want to express my deep gratitude for all of you who have helped me get to where I am today through financial support and prayers. I couldn't do this on my own and I want you to know that I never take that for granted. God has blessed me so much with an incredible group of friends and family who love and support me, and love to support me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

With that being said, I wanted to tell you all how you can be praying for me and my team as we prepare for outreach, and go on in our new lives here.

For my team:
-Funds. We still need quite a bit more money for outreach, prayers for God to provide funds and for us to have the faith to know that He will would be greatly appreciated.
-Unity. Our team is going to spend a lot of time close together on our 6 weeks of outreach, so being unified in Christ and loving each other would be very helpful. :)
-Hearing from God in planning the outreach. We still have a few things about our outreach that need to be decided, so prayers for a clear word from The Lord would be awesome.

For me:
-Joy. I could go into a lot of things I need prayer for, because more things than I care to talk about have been going wrong in my life. However, I don't feel that that would benefit anyone. Just know that I could truly use a lot of prayer. It seems that everything that could go wrong has gone wrong, and things just continue to get worse. Above all, though, God is sovereign and God is good. He has called me hear and I am in no position to argue. As hard as these past couple months have been, I know that I am where I'm supposed to be. I know that God has a plan. I know that He is steady in His faithfulness. I know that He is perfect in His goodness. So, prayers that I would be continually joyful and peaceful to rest in the knowledge that He is God and He is good are desperately needed right now.
-My family. I miss them so much, and I know it's different at home now that I'm gone. My constant prayer is that my young siblings would remember me. I pray that my oldest brother will step out as the oldest child now, and that my parents would have wisdom and hear from The Lord (as they always do) in raising my siblings up to be men and women who serve The Lord and love others. My family is so wonderful, and I know that we will all adjust to this new normal, it's just a little difficult in that transition time.
-For a mature heart and that I would always be hearing from God. It's not everyday that 17-year-olds are moved out of the house and living on their own in a different state than their family. To be quite honest, at times it is terrifying. If you would pray with me that God would continue to mature me and be speaking to me as I grow up and learn how to live on my own so far away from family, it would be awesome.

Thank you, again, to everyone who has been agreeing with these prayer requests and so many others with me. You've blessed me more than you could ever imagine. I'm truly, wholeheartedly grateful.

Philippines outreach newsletter:
To view this, copy the link into your internet browser and it should pull it up.

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12


  1. Thanks for being transparent. We are believing God will continue the work He has started in you. We miss you, but are SO thrilled you're walking in obedience.


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